

This blog is all about digging deeper, carefully dissecting issues/topics, and I give my interpretations. Why am I doing this? For those who didn't follow me here from my previous blog... Please allow me to introduce myself.

Back in early 2006, I discovered a community of guys who came together, I thought for the singular purpose of "picking up girls." As I immerse myself into the community, there were many messages that were bandied about by its practitioners: the most grand goal was about self-improvement. Partly because of my nature and partly because of chance encounters with many so-called and self-proclaimed experts, the only seduction that I discovered was not men seducing women, but rather men seducing each other, mostly for fame and what they hoped, fortune.

To this day, this community of guys seducing other guys continues to flourish. My foray into this community also led to my discovery of the greater "self-improvement" movement, which is particularly popular among Americans; many would attribute to our heritage of self-made men and our pursuit of the American dream. If you haven't figured out by now, I think of that heritage is a myth and our pursuit is vain. Those who advocate self-improvement have an underlying agenda, to make money off the gullible.

As many of us have discovered recently, our micro- and macroeconomic policies are based on a pyramid/Ponzi scheme. Rather than succumbing to marketing hype and well-crafted self-promotion, I am going to use this blog to shed light on what's going on. I don't profess to be an expert, but I will be as rational and as rigorous in my critiques as I am capable. Starting tomorrow, there will be a series of blog entries about common sayings and what I think they really mean.